
June 22 Endurance Run

10k in 58:00                                                        9:20/ mile pace

I  planed to run 7 miles at a 9:10 pace.  My Garmin dies at mile 1.  I am starting to not like my once beloved watch.  I guess it needs charged every time now.  Makes me wonder how it will hold up on long runs.  So I had to estimate my pace and only run 10k as I was sure of the exact mile marker.  Pretty hard pace for me on sore legs from yesterdays squats.  All part of the plan, embrace the dark place.  Running by feel I was able to come pretty close to my plan.  Great night run.  Came around a corner and scared a not so skinny man who did some kind of scream and dance.  His wife laughed at him as I flew past.  


  1. Hahaha! That had to be a priceless moment! I will send you a link to the mapping feature I use so I can run routes without a watch.
    Great job!
