
September 29 Run

Endurance Run

12 miles urban hilly route - 2:12:30                  11:02/ Average


September 28 strength training upper body

Warm up with pushups/bridges

Deadlift 245x5x3

Dips - 20, 12, 5, 5 ( last two sets with static hold 5 seconds top/bottom )

Pullups with 20 lb weight vest - dead hand to explosive and hold at the top- 5,5,5,5

Hand Stand push ups - 4 sets of 5-10 reps with partials

KB snatch - 2:00 with 35 lb - 45 reps

September 25 Row

Bodyweight Exercise

Bridging 2x25

Hand Stand Holds 2x 1:00

1 Leg Squat Progression

Row - 2x 1600m with 1 minuet of rest



this week was filled with extra work, no sleep back to back school and training took a back seat.  Past this tough stretch, things should even back out to normal and resume previous training.


September 24 Run

My long run was trumped this week.  So after being up all night......

Run 45 minuets no GPS just ran


September 20th Strength Training Lower Body

Light warm-up

Squat - 135x5, 135x5, 185x5, 205x3, 225x1 ( no spot, this is an improvement )

Speed Squat with Green bands plus 20 pounds.  6x2

Sled Drag - 225 pounds x 50 yards x 2 trips

I have improved my squat without squatting this summer.  I was able to squat 225 pounds x 1 without any assistance.  My previous attempts in June were unsuccessful.  Dallas squatted 405 x4 and 455x1.


September 19th Tempo Run

Tempo run on hilly urban streets.  Ran the route with more hills, 15th street.  Weather is a comfortable 62 degrees.

5 miles in - 43:41                         8:43/mile

Felt really strong on this run, attacked the hills keeping my pace.  Reaping the benefits from all those hot weather runs now that the fall running season is here


September 15 Endurance Run

Ran 14.6 miles this morning with a mixture of hard trails and off road single track

14.6 Miles - 2:54:41                                    11:58/mile average

Nutrition and Hydration were perfect, weather was a comfortable 59 degrees F and the maiden voyage of my Nathan Hydration Vest was perfect. That is an amazing piece of equipment .


September 14th Strength Training Upper Body

Shoulder Press - 65x10, 95x8, 105x5, 115x5 (last one push press), 115x5 (last one push press), 120x5(PP)

Power Clean - 135x3, 155x3, 155x3

Dips - 20, 12, 10, 7

Pull up
Hand Stand Push Up  - Ladder 3-6 wearing 20 lb weight vest.  Ditched it for the HSPU

KB Snatch - #35 x2:00 ( 40 total both arms )


September 13th Tempo Run

Tempo Run on trail at Turkey Mountain

7 miles total

5.5 58:07 average 10:/18 on technical hilly single track.  Felt to be 90-95 RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)

1.5 run/walk cool down back to the parking lot,

The last 1.5 cool down I was completely exhausted.  Really pushed it on the hills.


September 12th Strength Training Lower Body

Deadlift - 55x10, 135x10, 185x8, 225x5, 245x5, 245x3, 245x5

KB swing # 55 - 20, 20, 20

Sandbag Front Squat 60 lb - 5, 5, 5

Straight Bridge - 20, 20

Sled Drag - 180 lb - 2x 100ft


September 9th

Unable to fit in a run because of important reasons.

Did some bridging

And Rowed 2000M Time Trial  - damper 5   7:40


September 8th Strength Training

Had to mix upper and lower today because of another busy week.

Shoulder Press- 95x8, 105x7, 115x5, 120x3, 120x3

Squat- 120x8, 135x8, 155x5, 175x5, 190x3

( Have not done back squats in several weeks, felt strong but legs are screaming.  Still hanging around the same weight)

Dips - 15, 15, 10

KB swing 55 lb - 20, 20, 20

KB Snatch  35 lb - 2:00 continuous 18 each arm


September 5th Trail Race

Ran Escape from Turkey Mountain this morning.  Great trail race, they made a nice course.

5 miles in 51:25                   10:17/mile pace



September 2nd Easy Run

Run 4 miles in 40:08                        10:02/mile

Unable to complete all my pre planned training this week.  With the commitments of the year ahead it may happen many more times.  The important things come first, then training.
Fun 5 mile trail race planned for Labor Day