
July 13th Strength Training Upper Body

Deadlifts 135x8, 225x5, 245x5, 245x4, 245x5, 245x5

Pull ups (chest to bar) 12, 10

Ring Dips ( with 20 lb weight vest ) 10, 8

Rope climb - 15 feet arms only wearing 20 lb weight vest x2

KB overhead throw # 55 - until failure

Medicine ball overhead throw # 20 - until failure

Bridge 2x25


  1. Did you quit working out? This is your conscience speaking...LOL

    Hope you are doing well!

  2. ok ok....... I know, its been a slow recovery week and getting back in the swing of work. Back to training this week. How is your training for October going?

  3. Going well! You can check my training log from the widget on my blog.
