
March 29th Race Week Strength Work Out at 60%

Squat with Green Bands 65 lbs total 6 x 3

Regular Pull ups and Ring Pull ups - 5 sets 8 to 10 reps

Light Zurcher squats with crab walking and additional Hip mobility work

Partner assisted hand stand push ups - 5, 4, 4

D - Ball Slams 24 lbs - 12, 12


March 27th Row

Power Clean - 10x2 ( 60 seconds Rest ) with 135 lbs

C2 Rower - 2000M in 7:49


March 23rd Strength Training Upper Body

15 foot Rope Climb - 5 ascents ( 4 ascents arms only )

Hang Power Snatch - 95x5, 95x5, 95x3, 95x3

Inverted Ring Rows- 11, 11, 11

KB clean and Press #33 - 8, 7, 7

Conditioning Work - 295 lb tire flip mixed with Hand Stand Push ups against wall - Until Failure

I did not feel strong after heavy squats yesterday.  Rope Climbs without legs fried my arms!

Trigger Point work on arms after workout


March 22 Strength Training Lower Body

Box Squats with Bands 5x3-  95(215 at the Top) 135(255 at the Top) 135(255) 155 (275) with a spot

Front Squat - 95x5, 135 x5, 155x5 with a spot

Reverse Hyperextension - 8, 8, 8

Jump Lunges #15s - 8, 20

Mobility Work with roller - 15:00

Hard Squat workout, lifted heaver than I usually do, helps to have a stronger lifting partner.

March 22 Run

Less than 2 weeks away from my 50K

Went for a light run at Turkey Mt.  Ran 5.6 miles in 1:04:00

I ran fast with RPE of 85-90%

It felt good to run fast again, then I locked my keys in my car, had to wait 45 minuets for recovery meal

March 21 Rest

Worked last night, only four hours of sleep and I was unable to train.  Felt very tired and almost sick.  I decided to sleep/rest and refocus for the week


Friday March 18th Row

C2 rower - 85% of RPE  Damper setting at 8.  Held watts around 120

55 minuets - 11,127 meters (6.9 miles)


Wednesday March 16th Strength Training Lower Body

Air Squat 90 seconds - 60

Overhead Squat  5x3 - 115 lb, 125 lb, 125 lb, 125-fail, 115 lb

Pistol ( 1 leg squat ) progression off a box, lots of assistance  - 25 left and right leg

GHD situp - 50


Tuesday March 15th Strength Training Upper Body

Push Ups - 2 minuets- 55

15 Foot Rope climb- 8 ascents/ 3 legless 

Floor Press- 165x3, 165x3, 165x3, 165x3

Assisted Hand Stand Push-ups- 15, 12, 8

Conditioning/GPP Work

285 lb Tire flip 100ft
#35 lb KB over head walk 100ft
# 35 lb KB overhead throw x4-5
Farmers walk #35lb Fat grip DB's 200ft
285 lb Tire flip 50 feet

Did this circuit x3 


Sunday March 13th Run

Long run at ultra pace

18 miles urban road running - 3:43:00     12:25/mile

Temp in the high 40's light rain between hours of 6-10pm

Great run felt strong, nutrition was perfect

Following Run: strength and recovery workout

4bag Ice bath 10 minuets

Friday March 11th Strength Training Lower Body

Clean and front squat - 125 x5, 125 x 5, 125x 5

KB swing # 53- 8, 8, 8

Zelcher Squat with 33 lb KBs from suspended chain  bar

Jumping KB squats holding # 53's - 8, 8, 8

KB walking lunges with # 53's

Wednesday March 9th Strength Training Lower Body

15 foot Rope climb- 6 ascents

Speed squat with green resistance bands 10x2 worked up to 65lb plus bands

C2 Row - 20 minuets

Damper setting at 8, holding watts 50 above body weight.  Very hard workout wanted to hold watts at 220 but was only able to maintain 193 average.  Total meters 4921M

The rowing was very hard, felt tired


March 8th Strength Training Upper Body

1 hour 10 minuets

Elevated Pushups off Kettle Bells/ Over head press w/ chain suspended KB's / Overhead laterals/ Press from  the Squat

Clean and Jerk - 135# 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Core work with KBs and overhead walking presses

Picked up a new workout partner.  Much stronger than I, pushing me hard and doing new unconventional strength and conditioning.  I feel its going to translate quiet well to long distance running


March 6th Run

6.5 miles in 1:10 @ 10:45/mile p

March 5th Strength Training Lower Body

Overhead Squat - 95x3, 105x3, 115x3, 125x2, 135x1

Good Morning 1x50 - 85lbs

L-Sit- 3 minuets of work


Wed 3-3-11 Strength Training Lower Body

Speed Squat 10 x 2 45 lb bar plus Green Bands

C2 Row 3 min / 3 min off x 3 hold highest watts    240w   244w    239w

Axe Squats with uneven strength bar - 5 squats walk three steps 50 feet   GPP

Strength bombs walking lunge plus lateral raise to over head - 50 feet   GPP

Overhead Squat # 95 -  8, 8, 7

KB Swing # 53 - 8, 8, 8


Tuesday March 1 Strength Training upper body

Rope climb 15 ft - 4 climbs

Push Jerk - 135x3, 145x3, 155 x3, 165,x3, 155x3

Ring dips- 30
Rope Pull ups- 30
45lb DB snatch L/R

10 min of DB/KB swings core GPP work