Endurance Run - Urban Hilly Route ( streets, cars, stoplights and hills)
60 min - 6 miles 10:16/mile pace
Moderate pace, backed off a bit. I did some calculations for sweat rate and it appears mine was 54.4 oz per hour when the temperature is above 90 degrees. That is high, seems I may need to find a way to get in more fluids and carry more fluid.
I plan to retest it several times and find the average
June 28 Strength Training Upper Body
15 foot Rope Climb - wearing 20 lb weight vest, 3 accents arms only/no legs. Wearing the vest made it very challenging. I had to focus very hard to complete the climb and not put my legs on the rope
Kettle Bell Throws - Tossing and catching 25 lb KB
KB snatch - working on form with # 35's and a few with the # 55
Pullups - 10, 10
Ring Dips - 10, 10
L-Sit in the Tuck position - 2 minuets total
Kettle Bell Throws - Tossing and catching 25 lb KB
KB snatch - working on form with # 35's and a few with the # 55
Pullups - 10, 10
Ring Dips - 10, 10
L-Sit in the Tuck position - 2 minuets total
June 26 Speedwork
Speed work day- C2 Rower
3x 1000 m with 3 minuets of rest
Averaged around 180watts. Still trying to find a way to measure progress on my rower
Power Cleans - Worked up to 3RM # 155lb
The Sunday Speed work workout is a work in progress. Trying to find the motivation to train between shifts can be hard and the focus is not as intense. But it is still good training.
3x 1000 m with 3 minuets of rest
Averaged around 180watts. Still trying to find a way to measure progress on my rower
Power Cleans - Worked up to 3RM # 155lb
The Sunday Speed work workout is a work in progress. Trying to find the motivation to train between shifts can be hard and the focus is not as intense. But it is still good training.
June 24 Tempo Run
Tempo Run - 3 miles in 25:20 8:28/mile pace
.75 mile warm up/cool down
12:08 first 1.5 miles
13:17 2nd 1.5 miles
Still very sore in my hips and core. Ran my hilly tempo street route. Temperature was 98 degrees at noon during my run. This was very difficult. Wanted to hold a lower pace per mile but reached my lactate threshold on the last 1/2 mile up hill. Had to concentrate to hold pace and not vomit. Now time to take a nap and start the workweek.
.75 mile warm up/cool down
12:08 first 1.5 miles
13:17 2nd 1.5 miles
Still very sore in my hips and core. Ran my hilly tempo street route. Temperature was 98 degrees at noon during my run. This was very difficult. Wanted to hold a lower pace per mile but reached my lactate threshold on the last 1/2 mile up hill. Had to concentrate to hold pace and not vomit. Now time to take a nap and start the workweek.
June 23 Strength Training Upper Body
Primarily a Core workout
15ft Rope Climb - no legs. Arms only x3 Starting butt on the sand
Three Rounds: Walking chopping motion holding a 40 lb DB
Sledge Hammer against the tire 20 left and right
KB throwing across the body 25 lb
Very much deep core workout. I am going to feel that tomorrow but more importantly I hope I don't feel that this fall on long races. Pain now equals strength later
15ft Rope Climb - no legs. Arms only x3 Starting butt on the sand
Three Rounds: Walking chopping motion holding a 40 lb DB
Sledge Hammer against the tire 20 left and right
KB throwing across the body 25 lb
Very much deep core workout. I am going to feel that tomorrow but more importantly I hope I don't feel that this fall on long races. Pain now equals strength later
June 22 Endurance Run
10k in 58:00 9:20/ mile pace
I planed to run 7 miles at a 9:10 pace. My Garmin dies at mile 1. I am starting to not like my once beloved watch. I guess it needs charged every time now. Makes me wonder how it will hold up on long runs. So I had to estimate my pace and only run 10k as I was sure of the exact mile marker. Pretty hard pace for me on sore legs from yesterdays squats. All part of the plan, embrace the dark place. Running by feel I was able to come pretty close to my plan. Great night run. Came around a corner and scared a not so skinny man who did some kind of scream and dance. His wife laughed at him as I flew past.
June 21 Strength Training Lower Body
Warm up - KB swing 55 lb 1x20
Squat - 135x8, 185x5, 225x3, 225x3, 225x3 (225 with a gracious spot)
Box Squats with Green Bands - 95x3, 95x3, 95x3
Sled Drag - 135 lb , 135, 180 lb x 50 meters
Working up to heavy squat I was unable to squat 225 lb without a spot. I felt closer than previous attempts. My hips are definitely the weak point for heavy squats. Legs are shot. Time to cycle a different exercise/approach and revisit the heavy squat down the road a bit. Continue to focus on hip and core strength and running. Dallas squatted 405 lbs for 2 sets of 3. He is a beast.
Squat - 135x8, 185x5, 225x3, 225x3, 225x3 (225 with a gracious spot)
Box Squats with Green Bands - 95x3, 95x3, 95x3
Sled Drag - 135 lb , 135, 180 lb x 50 meters
Working up to heavy squat I was unable to squat 225 lb without a spot. I felt closer than previous attempts. My hips are definitely the weak point for heavy squats. Legs are shot. Time to cycle a different exercise/approach and revisit the heavy squat down the road a bit. Continue to focus on hip and core strength and running. Dallas squatted 405 lbs for 2 sets of 3. He is a beast.
June 18 Speed Word Interval Row
Light Deadlifts - 135x5, 135x5, 135x5, 185x5, 185x5
C2 Rower - 4x5 minuets with moderate effort
Total Distance- 4597 meters
Average Watt - 141
Feeling better today. Hard to craw out of bed in the afternoon to train. Always glad I did. No back to work for 2 more nights.
C2 Rower - 4x5 minuets with moderate effort
Total Distance- 4597 meters
Average Watt - 141
Feeling better today. Hard to craw out of bed in the afternoon to train. Always glad I did. No back to work for 2 more nights.
June 16 Strength Training Upper Body
15 Foot Rope Climb- x4 ( 2 with arms only, no leg assistance. Starting with Butt on the ground)
Splint Power Snatch - 95x5, 95lb x5, 95lb x5
KB Shoulder press ( holding KB upside down ) 25x5, 25x5, 25x4
Ring Pullups - 10, 10
Sandbag Cleans 75 lb - 5, 5
I am completely exhausted, I over extended this week. I am canceling the tempo run for tomorrow, working the next 4 nights. I will reevaluate speed work/Rowing for Saturday.
Just a little to much additional life commitments this week, some real hard training and my work week has not yet begun.
Splint Power Snatch - 95x5, 95lb x5, 95lb x5
KB Shoulder press ( holding KB upside down ) 25x5, 25x5, 25x4
Ring Pullups - 10, 10
Sandbag Cleans 75 lb - 5, 5
I am completely exhausted, I over extended this week. I am canceling the tempo run for tomorrow, working the next 4 nights. I will reevaluate speed work/Rowing for Saturday.
Just a little to much additional life commitments this week, some real hard training and my work week has not yet begun.
June 15 Endurance Run
Trail Run at Turkey Mountain - 5 Miles in 59:08 11:49/Mile
1st 2.5 mile in 30:00
2nd 2.5 miles 29:08
59:08 for 5 miles Hard Trail Running on very rocky and technical single track. Felt good to be back on the trail. Temps in the upper 90's. I ran hard on the out and had to really push it to return in my predetermined time frame. Really getting a feel and focus for how I need to approach this year of running.
1st 2.5 mile in 30:00
2nd 2.5 miles 29:08
59:08 for 5 miles Hard Trail Running on very rocky and technical single track. Felt good to be back on the trail. Temps in the upper 90's. I ran hard on the out and had to really push it to return in my predetermined time frame. Really getting a feel and focus for how I need to approach this year of running.
June 14 Strength Training Lower Body
Warm Up- Hand Stand Push Ups - 3x5
Pistol Progression off a box - 3x3
Back Extension - 3x5
Band Squat ( Green Resistance Bands ) Just the bar plus bands 2x4
Squat- 135 lb x5, 200 lb x5, 200x4, 200x5, 200x4, 200x4 : Dallas had to provide a spot on most sets, This weight is pretty heavy for me to squat. Will continue to work toward goal
Stiff one leg dumbbell Deadlift - 35 lb 5, 5
Hyperextension 5, 5
Wide Stance Good Mornings - 95 lb 5, 5
Pistol Progression off a box - 3x3
Back Extension - 3x5
Band Squat ( Green Resistance Bands ) Just the bar plus bands 2x4
Squat- 135 lb x5, 200 lb x5, 200x4, 200x5, 200x4, 200x4 : Dallas had to provide a spot on most sets, This weight is pretty heavy for me to squat. Will continue to work toward goal
Stiff one leg dumbbell Deadlift - 35 lb 5, 5
Hyperextension 5, 5
Wide Stance Good Mornings - 95 lb 5, 5
June 11 Speed Work Interval Row
C2 Rower - 5x 750 m with 3 minuets Rest
Time- 15:48 (rowing)
Average Watts - 173
Could have beed a little better. Back to Work tonight
Time- 15:48 (rowing)
Average Watts - 173
Could have beed a little better. Back to Work tonight
June 9 Run
Tempo Run on Hilly Urban Street
.75 mile warm up and cool down 8:15/mile
2 miles - 16:24
1st mile- 8:16
2nd mile - 8:08
Temp hot, quick tempo run before sleep/work tonight. Legs and core are sore from yesterday. I think bette than last tempo run.
.75 mile warm up and cool down 8:15/mile
2 miles - 16:24
1st mile- 8:16
2nd mile - 8:08
Temp hot, quick tempo run before sleep/work tonight. Legs and core are sore from yesterday. I think bette than last tempo run.
June 8 Strength Training Combining Upper and Lower
Hand Stand Push Ups ( Against the Wall ) 3x5
Working on Pistols, progression off a box - 2x5
Overhead Squat - 45x10, 65x8, 95x5, 95x5, 95x5, 95x5, 95x5
Power Clean - 3x3 #135
GPP Work- Rope Pull Ups - 10, 7, 8
Dips - 10, 10, 10
Sled Drags ( 100 lb ) 100 feet, 100 feet, 100 feet
Had to combine my upper and lower strength training this week because of time, work ect. My training partner is on vacation. We will be picking up with heavy squats next week!
Working on Pistols, progression off a box - 2x5
Overhead Squat - 45x10, 65x8, 95x5, 95x5, 95x5, 95x5, 95x5
Power Clean - 3x3 #135
GPP Work- Rope Pull Ups - 10, 7, 8
Dips - 10, 10, 10
Sled Drags ( 100 lb ) 100 feet, 100 feet, 100 feet
Had to combine my upper and lower strength training this week because of time, work ect. My training partner is on vacation. We will be picking up with heavy squats next week!
Thoughts, News Outlook for the future ( Damn Cuboid )
I went to see the Podiatrist for my follow up today. After 5 doctors he appeared to be close to a diagnosis. Last time he felt that I had Fibromatosis hard knots of scar tissue in the Plantar Fascia. A situation that has no cure, only trying to treat the symptoms. Although I was discourage that I had a life long issue I was ready to get back to training, it just would mean living with pain.
Today He did an Ultrasound on my foot and found that the Cuboid Bone is pressing down into the plantar fascia from the top, causing irritation and pain. A condition that is worse by prolonged standing on hard surface, such as my workweek.
The good news, is after a custom orthotic designed to alleviate pressure in this area, the problem "should" clear up. I can wear this devise to run or stand on my feet at work. The hope is that over some time the pain will subside. It will take four week to make them, so my hope is to be back pain free by summers end if not sooner.
So I will continue to train at a moderate base, keeping on the sharp edge of ramping up my miles for something this fall or winter. I know where my training needs to be before I toe the next stating line and I will not stand there without the proper build up.
So great news for me, will be writing more of my training template soon.......
Today He did an Ultrasound on my foot and found that the Cuboid Bone is pressing down into the plantar fascia from the top, causing irritation and pain. A condition that is worse by prolonged standing on hard surface, such as my workweek.
The good news, is after a custom orthotic designed to alleviate pressure in this area, the problem "should" clear up. I can wear this devise to run or stand on my feet at work. The hope is that over some time the pain will subside. It will take four week to make them, so my hope is to be back pain free by summers end if not sooner.
So I will continue to train at a moderate base, keeping on the sharp edge of ramping up my miles for something this fall or winter. I know where my training needs to be before I toe the next stating line and I will not stand there without the proper build up.
So great news for me, will be writing more of my training template soon.......
June 6 Endurance Run
Endurance Run 7 miles - 1:16:38 10:58/ mile average
1st 3.5 mile - 37:46
2nd 3.5 mile - 38:51
Endurance urban run. Hills, traffic and stoplights. I love running at night. One can be more aware of surroundings and stay in control of their personal area. The run became a little difficult around mile 6. Ran on a full stomach and drank 20 oz of water.
1st 3.5 mile - 37:46
2nd 3.5 mile - 38:51
Endurance urban run. Hills, traffic and stoplights. I love running at night. One can be more aware of surroundings and stay in control of their personal area. The run became a little difficult around mile 6. Ran on a full stomach and drank 20 oz of water.
June 3 Endurance Run
Endurance Run 6 miles - 1:02:27
10:25 mile
Ran at Riverside, temperature was 97 degrees. IPOD died 2 minuets into the run so I had to suck it up. It was crazy hot, tried to keep the pace around 10:00/miles but fluctuated between 9:50 -10:30, hard to hold a pace today.
10:25 mile
Ran at Riverside, temperature was 97 degrees. IPOD died 2 minuets into the run so I had to suck it up. It was crazy hot, tried to keep the pace around 10:00/miles but fluctuated between 9:50 -10:30, hard to hold a pace today.
June 2 Strength Training Lower Body
Warm up - 55 lb KB swing 2x30
Box Squats with Green Bands # 55 2x6
Squat - 135x8, 175x7, 175x7, 175x6, 175x7
Box Jumps - 5x3 working up to max height of two boxes plus to plates
Box Squats with Green Bands # 55 2x6
Squat - 135x8, 175x7, 175x7, 175x6, 175x7
Box Jumps - 5x3 working up to max height of two boxes plus to plates
June 1 Run
Tempo Run
2 miles - 16:48 8:24/mile
8:18 first Mile
8: 33 2nd Mile
Hilly Streets, felt slow. 3/4 mile warm up and cool down
2 miles - 16:48 8:24/mile
8:18 first Mile
8: 33 2nd Mile
Hilly Streets, felt slow. 3/4 mile warm up and cool down
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