
June 21 Strength Training Lower Body

Warm up - KB swing 55 lb 1x20

Squat - 135x8, 185x5, 225x3, 225x3, 225x3 (225 with a gracious spot)

Box Squats with Green Bands - 95x3, 95x3, 95x3

Sled Drag - 135 lb , 135, 180 lb x 50 meters

Working up to heavy squat I was unable to squat 225 lb without a spot.  I felt closer than previous attempts.  My hips are definitely the weak point for heavy squats.  Legs are shot.  Time to cycle a different exercise/approach and revisit the heavy squat down the road a bit.  Continue to focus on hip and core strength and running.  Dallas squatted 405 lbs for 2 sets of 3.  He is a beast.


  1. I stand in awe.... those are some impressive squats! 225? That's mist two of me! Crazy strength!

  2. 225 lbs is my wall, I had someone spotting me, my true number is probably around 215 lbs. I have been trying to get over this hump for a while......

  3. So, I'll loose a bit of weight and then you can say you can lift two of me!!! LOL

    215, 225. Either way...incredible. The other guy, well he clearly isn't human! LOL
