
November 22 Strength Training

15 foot rope climb x 5 ( 4.5 were arms only, got tired and used legs on the last)

Explosive Pullups with a 5 second hold at the top (with 20 lb weight vest) 3x5

Inverted Ring Rows - 3x10

Hand stand Push ups - 3 x 6-10

Ring Dips - 10, 10

Finisher: Over Head KB throw (55 lb) x 5
               Lateral Medicine Ball Throws ( 20 lb ) 10 left and 10 right
               Standing sled pull 135 lb x 100 feet


  1. Your strength is amazing! If I did an explosive pull-up, well, it would involve a diaper...just sayin'.

    My rings have been on backorder since August so I canceled the order and had my money refunded. Guess I will have to utilize the Y a little better!
    Great workouts, B!!

  2. Thats awesome, I can relate! Hey check out Rogue Fitness online, they have rings and are reliable.............
